Found in the chaos that contains OLD WORLD HISTORY - and since the Doctrine of Discovery, a series of papal bulls issued in the 15th century that played a significant role in the colonization and exploitation of Indigenous peoples and lands by European powers---These bulls essentially granted Christian monarchs the right to claim lands not already ruled by Christian rulers, and to subjugate and convert the non-Christian peoples living there.  This legal framework was issued globally to justify the colonization of the Americas, Africa, and other parts of the world; the resulting republics has had devastating impacts on all the worlds Indigenous peoples and cultures.

One historically key document that is often cited in this context is the papal bull Inter caetera, issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493, which had divided the "New World" between Spain and Portugal and authorized the subjugation and conversion of the indigenous populations.

- This was part of a broader  framework of European colonialism and globalized imperialism, which sought to expand their influence and extract resources from other parts of the world.

The following international banking build-out, commercial debts authorized by the crown for fueling corporations set out to cash-in on the "Conquest of Discovery", mounted missions to assess nearly every inhabitable and previously undiscovered reaches of the globe.  E.g. the subsequent Spanish colonization of the Americas was driven by a combination of factors, including the search for wealth, power, and finally conquest of peoples and their territories for religious and egotistically centric modalities governed by corrupted personal desires and ideological motivations of uncertain groups guided by profit and the power of knowledge.

Today the Catholic Church plays a significant role insuring their internationally global commercial claim certification process is further examined legally and or otherwise; as it provides religious justification to the whole reformed world, for the global conquest and colonization of indigenous peoples and sheltering the sheeply majority of mankind.  

Today, in this "New World", there have been instances where the Catholic Church has acknowledged past wrongdoings and issued apologies or provided reparations, such as in cases of sexual abuse by clergy or forced adoptions. However, there has not been a formal acknowledgement or reparations for the role the Church played in colonization of First Nation Peoples and the destruction of indigenous cultures.

The question of reparations for past wrongs is a complex and contentious issue, and it is up to the Church to determine its stance on this matter. It is worth noting that some organizations, such as the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, advocate for "memorialization and education, as well as reparations and reconciliation" as means of addressing historical injustices.

 ... However, under international law, states are obliged to respect the religious and cultural practices of their citizens, including those of indigenous peoples and minority groups. In some cases, this may involve recognizing the authority of religious, community or tribal leaders for engaging with them on specific issues.