AUMHARVEST GLOBAL, as an integral mission of the Church of Entheogens International, embodies a commitment to sustainable agriculture, ethical use of plant medicine, and community development.
Mission Statement Integration:
AUMHARVEST GLOBAL’s mission integrates the following core elements:
Sustainable Agricultural Development: Promoting sustainable, ethical agricultural practices, to support traditional farmers and communities.
Plant Medicine Cultivation and Use: Advancing the cultivation and responsible use of medicinal plants, focusing on the production of pharmaceutical-grade Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and API Precursors.
Global and Community Impact: Striving to create a global impact while focusing on community needs, blending traditional knowledge with modern practices for a sustainable future.
Operational Focus Areas:
Nursery and Plant-Start Programs: Establishing nursery programs to provide plant-starts and support to traditional farmers.
Post-Harvest Processing Solutions: Developing post-harvest solutions for medicinal plant processing, facilitating access to global markets.
Education and Training: Offering educational programs and training to local farmers and community members, enhancing skills and knowledge in sustainable agriculture and plant medicine.
Partnerships and Collaboration:
Local and International Partnerships: Building partnerships with local and international entities, including governmental bodies, NGOs, and private sector organizations.
Collaborative Ventures: Engaging in collaborative ventures that align with the mission’s objectives, enhancing the scope and impact of initiatives.
Future Vision:
AUMHARVEST GLOBAL envisions a future where sustainable agriculture and responsible plant medicine practices are universally embraced, contributing to global health, environmental stewardship, and economic development. The organization is committed to being a model of innovation, sustainability, and community empowerment.
Alignment with Church Statute:
AUMHARVEST GLOBAL aligns with the Church of Entheogens International’s statute, which emphasizes:
Coordination and unification of policies regarding natural product procurement, including entheogens and cannabis.
Price stabilization of natural products and securing fair returns for producing nations.
Ensuring a steady supply of natural products to consumers, honoring the sovereignty of member nations.
Commitment to research, support services, and international cooperation in the realm of natural products.
Adherence to Church By-Laws:
In adherence to the church’s by-laws, AUMHARVEST GLOBAL operates with a focus on:
Transparent governance and ethical management practices.
Community engagement and stakeholder collaboration.
Ensuring that its initiatives contribute positively to the church’s broader goals and objectives.
AUMHARVEST GLOBAL, rooted in the principles and goals of the Church of Entheogens International, stands as a testament to the power of collaborative, ethical, and sustainable approaches to agriculture and plant medicine. It aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals, communities, and the broader global landscape.
PO BOX 2772
Kingstown, SVG [VC0120]
The one real Church.