The Seven Hermetic Principles, derived from the Hermetic philosophy outlined in the "Kybalion," encompass metaphysical concepts that explain the nature of reality and human interaction with it. These principles are: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. Each principle highlights a fundamental aspect of the universe and the interaction of energy and matter.
Transposing these onto the Seven Cooperative Principles—Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Members' Economic Participation, Autonomy and Independence, Education, Training and Information, Cooperation among Cooperatives, Concern for Community—might not map directly or vividly, but there are abstract connections that can be drawn through the broader implications of cooperation, mutual benefit, and universal harmony that both sets of principles promote. Here’s a brief exploration of possible connections:
Mentalism and Education, Training and Information: Mentalism states that "All is mind, the Universe is Mental." This can be linked to the cooperative principle of education, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and mental development to empower members and strengthen the cooperative.
Correspondence and Cooperation among Cooperatives: The principle of Correspondence, "As above, so below; as below, so above," suggests a harmony between the macrocosm and microcosm. In cooperatives, working harmoniously with other cooperatives (Cooperation among Cooperatives) reflects this mirroring of inner and outer success and functionality.
Vibration and Concern for Community: The Hermetic principle that "everything moves; everything vibrates" aligns with the dynamic nature of community engagement in cooperatives, where the vibrancy of the cooperative's activities can positively affect community vitality.
Polarity and Democratic Member Control: Polarity, which teaches that everything has its opposites, is analogous to the democratic process within cooperatives, where diverse ideas lead to balance and fair decision-making through democratic control.
Rhythm and Members' Economic Participation: The rhythm of the universal flow is reflected in the economic participation of members, where contributions and benefits cycle back to them in a rhythmic exchange of value.
Cause and Effect and Autonomy and Independence: The principle of Cause and Effect, where every action has a reaction, can be seen in how cooperatives maintain autonomy and independence, ensuring that their actions align directly with their outcomes without external interference.
Gender and Voluntary and Open Membership: The principle of Gender, which deals with the masculine and feminine principles in all things, suggests a balance necessary for creation and dynamic interaction. This can be loosely related to the inclusive nature of cooperatives, which embrace all members regardless of background, providing a balanced and equitable environment.
While the Hermetic Principles are metaphysical and deal with universal energies and laws, the Cooperative Principles are practical guidelines for organizational governance and community interaction. The connection between them is more philosophical and abstract rather than direct and vivid, emphasizing the universal themes of balance, interdependence, and mutual growth.