of Entheogens
Image Credit: Fresco of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, flanking an alleged "mushroom tree" at Plaincourault Chapel, a 12th-century chapel of the Knights Hospitaller in Mérigny, Indre, France. By Aranthama - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
... Exploring The Universal Principles of Life & Reality
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Church is Developing Facilitates to CHAMBER and HOUSE (t)HIS HOLY BLESSED SACRAMENT, and to provide (SAFE-ACCESS) to authorized individuals who are (IDENTIFIED-PERSONS) seen as Peaceful Patrons that are as well known by their Ministries approved MEMBERSHIP-APPLICATION:PERMIT-FORM shown maintained with Monthly Membership FEE's; to allow shelter for exchange between congregants exercising quiet enjoyment of the SACRAMENT, and to preserve the nature of properties exchanged and unburdened by such worship -as ***Entheogen Sacrament being consumed privately in the Home of the Peaceful Patron.
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[the] SACREMENT herein, primarily found as an organic earth-based organism or derived from its origin, is organic products used in religious or spiritual contexts and research furthering the study of the mind-brain relationship.
While the Kingdoms of life suggest prominent ancestral sources may be available (e.g. Yeast, Mold, or Algae's); the major stock of ENTHEOGEN CLASS COMPOUNDS is generally produced by classic members of the Plant or the Fungi Kingdom's.
The most revered ENTHEOGENS today may largely be defined by the botany of desire; while the normal source of the naturally entheogenic active counterparts, and precursors, remain to be phylogenetically organized.
With practice to localize the most characteristic SACREMENT(s), exercised through refinement, and to promote preservation of a SACREMENTS finer delicacies, some techniques of SACREMENT preparation(s) shall further manipulate the plant or fungi parental-biomass, whereby complex combinations of technical solutions allow for delicately concentrated separations that may be found organized mechanically or otherwise.
* * *(t)HIS HOLY BLESSED SACREMENT and select parts thereof, pertains to delicately prepared and/or isolated excretions thereof and [is] cultivated by (a) (WO)MAN same as any ENTHEOGEN normally known to be (and) used with exercise of sacred ceremony(s) & other religious worship, developmental movement practice or events either sustained or orchestrated through its ultimate use.
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The CHURCH of Entheogens International is a Science and Faith based Organization.
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Terms and Conditions (BetaV0.1.1)
Answering His call to advance the gospel,
& Unite (with) the body of Christ.
~ John 17:23/8:5 13/4